[Post Game Thread] The Golden State Warriors (16-18) defeat the Memphis Grizzlies (20-12), 123-109 and pull of a Christmas miracle 【赛后贴】金州勇士(16胜18负)以123-109战胜孟菲斯灰熊(20胜12负),简直是圣诞节的奇迹 双方关键球员数据: 勇士:普尔32分3板2助,克莱24分9板4助,迪文岑佐19分3板3助,追梦3分13板13助2帽,卢尼3分5板4助,杰罗姆14分4板,穆迪10分2板,兰姆11分3板2断,库明加7分4板3助。 灰熊:莫兰特36分7板8助,狄龙13分3板,杰克逊11分2板2帽,亚当斯6分14板,贝恩9分4板,克拉克9分6板,阿尔达玛9分2板2助,琼斯13分5助,威廉姆斯3分3板。 [–]HeatMySilverBurrito 2094 points 3 hours ago 3/13/13 with 1 3pm Dray with the most Dray game tonight lmao. 热火球迷:3分13板13助,投进1三分 追梦今晚打出了最追梦式的比赛。 [–]Knickskyndrid_ 832 points 3 hours ago Got a tech and two blocks too 尼克斯球迷:别忘了一次技术犯规和两个盖帽。 [–]TheRed_Knight 167 points 3 hours ago even more impactful than the statline suggests 球迷:对比赛的影响力数据都显示不出来。 我也追着狄龙搞心态!追梦末节对着狄龙吐舌头 [–]Warriorsslappiestpenguin 147 points 3 hours ago Yeah that eyeball and tongue at Brooks at the end of the game was the play of the game 勇士球迷:比赛快结束时对狄龙吐舌头的那个回合堪称全场最佳。 [–]Warriorsedawgggydawg 1214 points 3 hours ago Warriors during road games: |
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